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Image by Hal Gatewood

How to pick the right executive sponsor

Executive sponsors are critical to the success of ERGs and ERG leaders. But finding the right executive sponsor can be a challenging process, especially for ERG leaders who have little to no experience working with senior leaders in their organization. Picking the right executive sponsor can and should take time, and knowing what to look for—and what questions to ask—can help ensure you make the best choice for your ERG. 

1. Assess your purpose and mission

Seek out senior leaders who align with your ERG’s purpose. Leaders with a deeper connection to your cause will likely be more engaged and effective.

Consider the following questions:

  1. Is this leader an ally or a member of the served community? 

  2. What lived experiences do they bring to the table that can help advance our ERG’s mission?

  3. How does this leader empower members of our served community within their own teams and the broader organization? 

  4. What qualities does this leader possess that would make them a good fit for my ERG?

2. Identify the qualities you’re looking for

Executive sponsors are not one-size-fits-all. Aligning desired qualities of an executive sponsor with the needs of you and your ERG can go a long way in helping to ensure a successful, impactful working relationship.

Consider the following questions:

  1. What is this leader’s style of leadership and does it align with my style?

  2. Does this leader make me feel comfortable and empowered to lead my ERG and make decisions for the group? 

  3. Does this leader have influence over other leaders in a way that can help to advance our ERG’s mission and vision? 

  4. How involved do I want my executive sponsor to be and does that align with this leader’s expectations?

3. Align on role and expectations

Different ERGs have different needs when it comes to the level of involvement and kind of support they receive from their executive sponsor. Aligning on the role and expectations upfront can help to ensure your executive sponsor is able to provide the best support to maximize your ERG’s impact.

Consider the following questions:

  1. Does my ERG need foundational guidance, high-level strategic support, or help advocating and influencing positive change? 

  2. How often do I want to meet with my executive sponsor and can this leader commit to that expectation?

  3. How can I assess whether my executive sponsor is meeting expectations and supporting my ERG’s needs?

  4. What does my executive sponsor expect from me as an ERG leader and how can we establish mutual accountability?

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